Posts tagged website design
Make-or-Break Steps to Take Before Building Your Website That Most Business Owners Miss

Before you leap in head first building your website, there are some big steps to take that will ultimately affect the success of your website - and most business owners completely miss it.  It's no wonder why so many business' websites never gain the traction (or clients) they're after - they weren't set up for success in the first place.

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Jungle Website Design

Jungle is a brand and website concept design I created to give some design inspiration for those looking to take their business' online presence to the next level. With its large, full-width image backgrounds and colored banners, it's perfect for businesses who want to make a statement and showcase their work.  Take a look at this stunning brand and site I designed using Squarespace's Moksha template.

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SunCore Corporation Website Design

Website Design for SunCore Corporation. 

SunCore is a solar charging company based in Irvine, California.  As emerging leaders in their industry, they knew they needed a new website that represented the quality of their technology and products. When we began working together, their website had served its purpose, but was too simplistic - they wanted a stunning website that would captivate viewers and draw them in to learn more about their work. Take a look at the stunning new website I designed using Wordpress.

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The Ultimate Guide to a Popular & Profitable Website or Blog

It can be so frustrating and disappointing when you’re putting in the hard work, but your blog or business’ website isn’t growing like you thought it would.  You've been posting in social media groups, creating blog posts, pinning, 'gramming - and still, crickets.  What's the deal?! 

I’ve put together the top ways to make your blog or website more popular, and more profitable and a FREE guide to help you along the way!

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How to Create Gorgeous Graphics For Your Business & Blog

Want to create gorgeous graphics for your business and blog?  In this video tutorial to show you how I create everything from blog post images, Instagram posts, Pinterest graphics, Facebook ads, website banners, to printable pdfs with Canva.

Canva makes it super easy to create custom designs that look professional at the same time.  They offer tons of templates, layouts, and design elements & features, so you don’t need to have design skills to use it.

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6 Small Tweaks to Make More Money From Your Website

Stunning website design doesn’t mean stellar sales.  A big mistake people make is focusing too much on the design of a website and ignore planning for profitability.  The good news is there are easy ways to make your site more profitable without having to deal with any "tech" stuff.

Check out this post with 6 of my favorite, super easy tweaks to make more money from your website.

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